Davis County Utah

Methadone in Utah Criminal Law

Methadone is an opioid pain reliever classified as a Schedule II controlled substance. While methadone has legitimate medical uses, it can also be abused. Possession of methadone without a prescription is a criminal offense under Utah law.

If you are facing criminal charges for drug possession, hiring an experienced Utah criminal defense attorney can help give you the best chance of success in your case. Contact us today to schedule an initial consultation.

Criminal Possession of Methadone in Utah

Methadone’s uses include pain relief and pain management, treatment of withdrawal symptoms as part of a drug detoxification program, as well as “methadone maintenance” for long-term heroin addicts. Methadone is also a drug that can be abused and can be highly addictive. While methadone as a medication can be lawfully prescribed by a treating physician, possession of methadone without a prescription in Utah is a criminal offense. In order to convict a person of unlawfully possessing methadone, Utah law simply requires proof that that the defendant knowingly and intentionally possessed methadone, and that the defendant did not have a prescription.

Penalties for Methadone Possession in Utah Criminal Cases

Possession of methadone begins at the class A misdemeanor level, punishable by up to 364 days in jail and a fine of $2,500 plus a 90% surcharge. A criminal charge for possession of methadone can be enhanced as high as the second-degree felony level depending on the circumstances of the case. Enhancements for methadone possession can include proximity to a drug-free zone, prior convictions, or possession with the intent to distribute. Enhancements can increase the level of the charge to the third-degree felony level (0-5 years prison) or second-degree felony level (1-15 years prison).

Methadone as Substitute for Heroin

Methadone is often intended as a therapeutic intervention, to assist a person struggling with addiction to heroin or other opiate drugs. Under methadone replacement therapy or opioid substitution treatment, heroin is replaced with a medication that is supposed to be safer and more manageable. But because of its potential for abuse, methadone sometimes becomes merely a substitute for the addict’s drug of choice. When a person begins abusing methadone rather than using it in a therapeutically appropriate manner, it becomes tempting to try to obtain methadone through illegal avenues. Possession of methadone under these circumstances can lead to serious criminal charges.

Finding a Utah Drug Defense Lawyer

If you have been charged with a drug crime in Utah, hiring an experienced criminal attorney can be the most important step you can take toward achieving the best result in your case.

Contact us today to schedule an initial consultation. See how the right attorney can help you.

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