The consequences of a conviction for drug possession in Utah can include jail time, prison time, and thousands of dollars in fines. There are a number of options for defending against drug charges in Salt Lake. Successful defense strategies can include suppression motions, trial by jury, negotiated resolutions, abeyance agreements, drug court and more.
Our experience defending Utah drug cases ranges from first-degree distribution to misdemeanor marijuana possession and drug paraphernalia. Contact us to schedule a consultation, and see what the right attorney can do.
Level of the Offense for Drug Charges
The level of drug possessions charge in Salt Lake typically depends on what drugs are involved. Possession of marijuana and some prescription drugs begins at the class B misdemeanor level. Most common “street drugs” (e.g., cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine, and many prescription drugs, including methadone, begin at the class A misdemeanor level.
Utah drug possession charges can be enhanced if police or prosecutors suspect that the defendant had the intent to distribute the drugs. A simple possession charge in Salt Lake is often enhanced if the defendant is determined to have possessed the controlled substance withing the boundaries of a “drug free zone.” Given the density of development in the Salt Lake County area, “drug free zones” are widespread, and this enhancement is commonly added both to simple possession and to drug distribution charges in Salt Lake. Enhanced penalties can also be imposed if a person is found in possession of a controlled substance in a correctional facility.
Consider your long-term goals.
Many people who are charged with drug crimes in Salt Lake courts are also struggling with addiction or substance abuse. In deciding on the best strategy for your case, consider your long term goals. What are the issues that got you to this point? What is the best way to address those issues?
The legal case is only half the battle. Long-term solutions require a comprehensive approach to the case.
Contact us today to schedule an initial consultation.