Author: Stephen Howard
Salt Lake Expungement Attorney – Utah Expungement Eligibility
An expungement can give you a fresh start and open doors that have been closed because of a criminal conviction. As an experienced Utah criminal defense attorney, Stephen Howard has assisted clients in expunging criminal records ranging from…
Drug Possession in a Correctional Facility
Being charged with possession of a controlled substance in a Utah correctional facility (i.e., jail or prison) can result in enhanced penalties. These enhancements do not apply only to an individual attempting to smuggle drugs into a jail,…
Salt Lake Drug Crimes Attorney – Drug Free Zones
Salt Lake County drug possession charges can be enhanced if the crime occurs within an area defined under Utah law as a “drug free zone.” This enhancement can substantially increase the potential penalties for simple possession of a…
Drug Possession Defense in Salt Lake City
The consequences of a conviction for drug possession in Utah can include jail time, prison time, and thousands of dollars in fines. There are a number of options for defending against drug charges in Salt Lake. Successful defense…
Drug Paraphernalia – Salt Lake Criminal Defense Lawyer
Conviction for possession of drug paraphernalia in Salt Lake can result in fines, losing your driver license, and even jail time. Stephen Howard is an experienced criminal defense attorney who represents clients facing drug paraphernalia and other drug-related…
Salt Lake Criminal Defense – Methamphetamine Possession
Possession of methamphetamine (“meth”) in Utah begins at the third degree felony level. Salt Lake criminal defense lawyer Stephen Howard has extensive experience handling drug cases in Salt Lake and surrounding areas. Trusting your case to an experienced…